Video Tutes brings you video tutorials on open source and cheap useful software. Video Tutes is the place to come if you need to learn how to use software by seeing it demonstrated in video.
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This tutorial demonstrates how to register an OpenOffice databse or spreadsheet in OpenOffice to be used for letters, labels or envelopes
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Yes folks we are going to use VLC Media Player to convert an ogg file to mp4 format. You can now send your ogg files as mp4's to (dare I say it) windows or upload them to youtube. Flosss manuals also has some info on resizing your vids for you tube. #transcode{ }, and type width=352,canvas-height=288
Click To PlayHow to use the calendar wiard that comes with Scribus to produce basic calendars. You can create monthly, yearly, or event type calendars. Along with some of the formatting tutorials that have been shown in previous videos you should be able to produce some nice looking calendars.
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For this tutorial we will show you how to to generate a table of contents with in a Scribus document. We will also show how to apply internal links so that you may navigate around your document.
Click To PlayHow to use links in Scribus. For this tutorial we will show you how to use two types of links in Scribus. The first type of link will be an internal link which you can use to jump around your pdf document. The second type of link will be an external link which will allow you to go to web-sites on the internet from your pdf file.