Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Portable screencasting

Video thumbnail. Click to play Click To Play Once movie starts to play double click it to view it full size.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

codec comparison test

Video thumbnail. Click to play Click To Play this video gives an over view of which codec to use to create the smallest file size of screeencast while maintaning excelent viewing quality. Once movie starts to play double click it to view it full size.

camstudio with narration and background music

putting background musin to a screencast using camstudio, virtualdub, and audacity Once movie starts to play double click it to view it full size.

Friday, 7 September 2007

CamStudio2.5 ShowMeDo settings

These are the settings I use to produce Screencasts for ShowMeDO Once movie starts to play double click it to view it full size.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

7zip in Linux

Get the Flash Player to see this movie.

This video originally comes from ShoMedo at ShowMeDo from the 7zip 7zip